
22 feb 2022

Tikho and Jenny's Stories

In this lesson students learn about the lives of two girls, Tikho from Zambia and Jenny from Honduras, and how their communities are addressing issues with water and sanitation.

At the end of the lesson students compare themselves, with Tikho and Jenny, to build an understanding of the differences and commonalities, specifically as they relate to water and sanitation.

Options are provided for doing this lesson with a grade 1-3 or grade 4-6 audience.




1 sept 2020

Lesson Plan: Tikho, Jenny, and I

In this lesson students learn about the lives of two girls, Tikho from Zambia and Jenny from Honduras, and how their communities are addressing issues with water and sanitation. At the end of the lesson students compare themselves, with Tikho and Jenny, to identify what they have in common and what is different with regards to water, sanitation and hygiene in their community.


1 oct 2020

Presentation: Tikho and Jenny's Stories

In this presentation, students learn about the lives of two girls, Tikho from Zambia and Jenny from Honduras, and how their communities are addressing issues with water and sanitation.


1 ago 2020

Comparison Cards: Tikho, Jenny, and I

Use these cards with the lesson plan and presentation for Tikho, Jenny, and I. Your students can use these cards to identify similarities and differences between themselves, Tikho and Jenny.


22 feb 2022

Tikho & Daniel Make Waves

In this lesson, students act out a play that demonstrates that negative consequences of contaminated water. In this play, sick villagers seek out help from Tikho and Daniel, who expertly fight disease through hygiene and water filtration.


22 feb 2022

Tikho’s Story Three Pile Sorting

This activity assesses youth’s understanding of water, hygiene and sanitation practices. It is an interactive activity to encourage discussion about situations occurring in Africa.

Acerca de CAWST

CAWST es una organización benéfica y una firma autorizada de ingeniería de Canadá. Abordamos la necesidad mundial de agua potable y saneamiento mediante el desarrollo de habilidades y conocimientos en lo que respecta a soluciones domésticas que las personas pueden implementar por su cuenta.

Apoyado por

El desarrollo de este sitio web y la creación de las colecciones de herramientas temáticas de emergencia sobre tratamiento de agua, análisis de la calidad del agua, cambio de hábitos y saneamiento han sido financiados por la Oficina de Asistencia Humanitaria de USAID (Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional)

La elaboración de este proyecto fue posible gracias al generoso apoyo del pueblo estadounidense, brindado a través de la Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID). El contenido es responsabilidad de CAWST (Centre for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology) y no necesariamente refleja los puntos de vista de la USAID o del gobierno de los Estados Unidos.

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