In this presentation, students learn about the lives of two girls, Tikho from Zambia and Jenny from Honduras, and how their communities are addressing issues with water and sanitation.
Through images and videos, your students will gain a new level of understanding of water and sanitation challenges in other parts of the world.
This presentation should be used with the Tikho, Jenny, and I lesson plan and Comparison Cards.
This is best for students in elementary school (grades 1-6).
In this presentation, students learn about the lives of two girls, Tikho from Zambia and Jenny from Honduras, and how their communities are addressing issues with water and sanitation.
Through images and videos, your students will gain a new level of understanding of water and sanitation challenges in other parts of the world.
This presentation should be used with the Tikho, Jenny, and I lesson plan and Comparison Cards.
This is best for students in elementary school (grades 1-6).
Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation
¿No encuentra lo que necesita? ¿Tiene más preguntas sobre un tema? ¿Precisa consejos sobre cómo usar un recurso? Chatee con un asesor de CAWST.
ContáctenosCAWST es una organización benéfica y una firma autorizada de ingeniería de Canadá. Abordamos la necesidad mundial de agua potable y saneamiento mediante el desarrollo de habilidades y conocimientos en lo que respecta a soluciones domésticas que las personas pueden implementar por su cuenta.