
Jul 24, 2024

How to Build a Biosand Filter Video Collection

The Biosand Filter (BSF) Construction Video series is designed to show step by step how to build and install a concrete biosand filter. The instructional video series covers all topics associated with concrete filter construction from preparing materials prior to production, inspecting and preparing the steel filter mold, mixing and pouring the right concrete mixture, demolding, checking the quality, and correctly installing the BSF at the household level.

The videos are broken into manageable segments that can be used to refresh technicians on specific aspects of concrete BSF construction, used by trainers in BSF instruction workshops or to inform implementers on correct procedures and quality control.




Jul 24, 2024

Prepare Construction Materials to Build a Biosand Filter (BSF)

Part 1 of a series on how to construct a biosand filter (BSF). Learn how to sieve the gravel and sand to the proper size and how to separate the piles to keep the quality consistent.


Jul 24, 2024

Mechanical Sand Screening to Build a Biosand Filter (BSF)

Watch how a mechanical sand sorter can simplify the sieving and sorting of gravel and sand into correct sizes to build a Biosand Filter (BSF).


Jul 24, 2024

Steel Mold Properties to Build a Biosand Filter (BSF)

Learn what to look for when using a steel mold to build a Biosand filter (BSF). Tips and valuable information about the steel mold will help you successfully construct concrete filter bodies.


Jul 24, 2024

Prepare the Mold to Build a Biosand Filter (BSF)

Learn how to clean and oil a Biosand Filter (BSF) mold and to install the outlet hose before pouring the concrete container to achieve a smooth, trouble free concrete filter body.


Jul 24, 2024

Mix the Concrete to Build a Biosand Filter (BSF)

Learn how to get the concrete mix just right before pouring the Biosand Filter (BSF). Get tips and tricks to get the right concrete consistency to get a strong filter body with a smooth, even surface.


Jul 24, 2024

Pour a Concrete Biosand Filter (BSF)

Part of a video series on how to build a biosand filter (BSF). It shows step by step how to pour the concrete into the mold to avoid air pockets and to eliminate cracks between the concrete layers.


Jul 24, 2024

Pour a Concrete Biosand Filter (BSF) with Wet and Dry Concrete Mixes

Part of a video series on how to build a biosand filter (BSF). It shows the pitfalls of using too wet and too dry concrete mixtures when pouring a BSF concrete filter body.


Jul 24, 2024

Demold a Concrete Biosand Filter (BSF)

Part of a video series on how to build a biosand filter (BSF). Learn step by step how to remove a concrete biosand filter (BSF) from a steel mold. Learn tips to make demolding the filter easier and to prevent damage or cracks.


Jul 24, 2024

Quality Check and Cure a Concrete Biosand Filter (BSF)

Part of a video series on how to build a biosand filter (BSF). It shows step by step how to check the quality of a newly constructed BSF. Learn how to check for flowrate, leaks or cracks and water level. Then how to cure the concrete to make sure the filter will work well for years to come.


Jul 24, 2024

Demold and Check Wet and Dry Concrete Mix Biosand Filters (BSF)

Part of a video series on how to build a biosand filter (BSF). Learn how to remove the concrete filter from the steel mold when the concrete mixtures used to pour the filters were too wet or too dry.


Jul 24, 2024

Wash Separation and Drainage Gravel for the Biosand Filter (BSF)

Part of a video series on how to build a biosand filter (BSF). Find out how to correctly wash the separation and drainage gravel layers used when installing a BSF.


Jul 24, 2024

Wash That Sand

Part of a video series on how to build a biosand filter (BSF). Find out how to correctly wash the filtration sand used when installing a BSF.


Jul 24, 2024

Install a Concrete Biosand Filter (BSF) Container

Learn step by step how to correctly install a concrete BSF filter with layers of gravel and sand and how to check the flowrate. Learn tips to make filter installation efficient.


Jul 24, 2024

Install Alternate Biosand Filter (BSF) Containers

See different Biosand Filter (BSF) designs and learn how to install them correctly.


Jul 24, 2024

Disinfect the Outlet Tube

Part of a video series on how to build a biosand filter (BSF). Learn step by step how to disinfect the outlet tube after installation.


CAWST is a Canadian charity and licensed engineering firm. We address the global need for safe drinking water and sanitation by building local knowledge and skills on household solutions people can implement themselves.

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Development of this website and creation of collections of emergency themed tools on Water Treatment, Water Quality Testing, Behavior Change and Sanitation funded by Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance - USAID.

This project is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of CAWST (Centre for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology) and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.

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