This workshop is designed for those who are interested in delivering training on community health promotion. It includes lessons plans and guidance on training delivery.
This workshop is designed for those who are interested in delivering training on community health promotion. It includes lessons plans and guidance on training delivery.
South Asia
This is an optional lesson plan for the Community Health Promotion Nepal workshop about how to review the concepts covered in Day 1.
This is an optional lesson plan for the Community Health Promotion Nepal workshop about how to review the concepts covered in Day 2.
This is a lesson plan to help CHPs create an action plan for WASH promotion activities in a community.
This is a lesson plan that discusses why it is important for community health promoters to be able to influence people, describes the groups of community stakeholders and why you want to influence them, and explains effective ways to influence people.
This is a lesson plan that explains the major barriers to behaviour change and how CHPs can help others overcome these barriers.
This is a lesson plan about closing the Community Health Promotion Nepal workshop.
This lesson plan identifies vulnerable population groups in a community and explains how a WASH volunteer/CHP/Individual can support vulnerable people.
This is a lesson plan that explains how to open the Community Health Promotion Nepal workshop.
This is a lesson plan that explains what a CHP is and their roles and responsibilities.
CAWST is a Canadian charity and licensed engineering firm. We address the global need for safe drinking water and sanitation by building local knowledge and skills on household solutions people can implement themselves.