
Biosand Filter Construction Manual Adaptations

Resources adapted from the Biosand Filter Construction Manual




8 Key Filter Performance Points

Learn about the 8 Key Filter Performance Points for your Biosand Filter


Biosand Filter Construction Considerations

Learn about some considerations for constructing a Biosand filter


Biosand Filter Overview

Learn about the Biosand filters components and important considerations


Steps to Install a Biosand Filter

This document discusses things to consider and the steps to follow when installing a Biosand Filter.


How to Clean a Biosand Filter

Learn how to clean a Biosand filter using the swirl and dump method.


How Does the Biosand Filter Make Water Safe?

Learn about the Biosand filter removal mechanisms that make drinking water safe.


How to Use the Biosand Filter

Learn how to use the Biosand filter.


Media and Mold Preparation

Learn about Biosand filter media and mold preparation


Features of the Bio-Sand Filter

Learn about 9 features (fun facts) of the Biosand Filter.


Biosand Filter Installation Instructions

Learn about the process of installation for a Biosand Filter.


Biosand Filter Introduction

An introduction to the Biosand filter.


Considerations for Biosand Filter Operation

learn about considerations for Biosand Filter Operation

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