The focus of this lesson is to describe the current and ongoing goals of the emergency response effort, how an emergency WASH volunteer contributes to those efforts, as well as clarifies scope for the volunteer role. Participants will explore communication techniques for interacting with disaster-affected people so they are equipped with the tools they need while working in communities or in temporary relief sites.
The focus of this lesson is to describe the current and ongoing goals of the emergency response effort, how an emergency WASH volunteer contributes to those efforts, as well as clarifies scope for the volunteer role. Participants will explore communication techniques for interacting with disaster-affected people so they are equipped with the tools they need while working in communities or in temporary relief sites.
Asie du Sud
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Contactez-nousCAWST est une organisation caritative et une société d'ingénierie canadienne. Nous répondons au besoin mondial en eau potable et en assainissement en développant les connaissances et les compétences à un niveau local, afin que les personnes concernées puissent elles-mêmes mettre en œuvre des solutions à domicile.