
Biosand Filter Project Implementation Workshop

This collection contains the resources for both trainers and participants for the Biosand Filter Project Implementation workshop. This workshop is designed for biosand filter project managers and technicians. This workshop includes information and hands-on experience on the construction, use and monitoring of the biosand filter. The hands-on topics include checking the steel mold, making the concrete filter container, preparing filtration sand, installing filters and conducting follow-up visits. The participant will gain a clear understanding of the rationale behind the filter design and why proper preparation of the filtration sand is so important.




Biosand Filter Project Implementation Workshop Outline

This outline describes the content, objectives and audience for CAWST's workshop: Biosand Filter Project Implementation.


Biosand Filter for Project Implementation Pre-Workshop Questionnaire

This questionnaire helps the trainer to understand their audience and their level of knowledge pre-workshop


Biosand Filter for Project Implementation Final Evaluation

This questionnaire is to be handed out at the end of the workshop to give the trainer constructive feedback on the workshop


Biosand Filter for Project Implementation Midweek Evaluation

This questionnaire gives the trainer feedback mid way through the training in order to help the trainer better prepare and create relevant sessions


Biosand Filter for Project Implementation Final Evaluation Summary

This is a template of how to display the results of your final evaluations


Biosand Filter for Project Implementation Participant List Template

This participant List template is a tool that will help you keep a database of participant information


CAWST is a Canadian charity and licensed engineering firm. We address the global need for safe drinking water and sanitation by building local knowledge and skills on household solutions people can implement themselves.