
The Gulper

Welcome to our new YouTube series brought to you by CAWST and Opero Services! Dive into the world of onsite sanitation equipment with us as we explore the importance of understanding available technologies.

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Onsite Sanitation Learning Series: Pit Latrine Emptying Technologies

Welcome to our new YouTube series brought to you by CAWST and Opero Services! Dive into the world of onsite sanitation equipment with us as we explore the importance of understanding available technologies.


Onsite Sanitation Learning Series: Intro to the Gulper 1

Join Edwin as he guides us through the inner workings of The Gulper 1, explores user reviews, and evaluates its performance against four critical criteria: technical performance, health and safety, financial considerations, and operations and maintenance.


Onsite Sanitation Learning Series: User Experiences with The Gulper 1 in Uganda

In this third installment, we're diving deep into the real-world experiences of users in Kenya and Uganda with The Gulper 1.


Onsite Sanitation Learning Series: User Experiences with The Gulper 1 in Kenya

In this third installment, we're diving deep into the real-world experiences of users in Kenya and Uganda with The Gulper 1.


Pit Latrine Emptying Technology Review: The Gulper1

The technical brief, developed by OPERO Services and CAWST, provides an in-depth overview of the Gulper, a manually-operated pump designed for emptying wet or partially wet pit latrines.

Acerca de CAWST

CAWST es una organización benéfica y una firma autorizada de ingeniería de Canadá. Abordamos la necesidad mundial de agua potable y saneamiento mediante el desarrollo de habilidades y conocimientos en lo que respecta a soluciones domésticas que las personas pueden implementar por su cuenta.