
HydrAid Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Poster Set

This poster presentation can be used as a participatory learning tool by Community Health Promoters (CHP) in a variety of situations to:

  • Teach about safe water, hygiene and sanitation practices in general;
  • Introduce new household water treatment technologies;
  • Train people how to operate and maintain their household water treatment technology; and
  • Reinforce messages about household water treatment, hygiene and sanitation on a return visit to a household.

The text for each poster includes the following sections:

  • Key message – This is the main message of the poster to be communicated to the participant(s).
  • Possible Questions – This section lists questions to engage the participant(s). Choose from these questions to begin a discussion about current practices and knowledge. It is not necessary to ask all of the questions, choose the ones that you think will generate a good discussion.
  • Content – The content includes the important points of each poster to be discussed and reviewed with the participant(s). Use the text as a guide to talk about the posters. Refer to this text frequently to make certain you are including all the important information and not forgetting any details.
  • Check for Understanding – These questions are designed for the CHP to review the important points of the poster with the participant(s). Choose from the questions to review any new information and assess the participant(s) knowledge level. If the individual or group answers a question incorrectly, review the information again and clarify the correct answer.
  • Formato:

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  1. Seleccionar un idioma

  2. Seleccionar una región

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Acerca de CAWST

CAWST es una organización benéfica y una firma autorizada de ingeniería de Canadá. Abordamos la necesidad mundial de agua potable y saneamiento mediante el desarrollo de habilidades y conocimientos en lo que respecta a soluciones domésticas que las personas pueden implementar por su cuenta.