
20 oct. 2017

Development and Delivery: Emergency WASH for Community Agents Training in Preparation and Response to Natural Disasters in Haiti

The presentation that will be delivered will speak about the WASH context in Haiti and how natural disasters have shaped Haiti’s access to safe water and sanitation. WASH Training and Consulting Services at Pure Water for the World in 2015 were able to co-develop an EWASH (Emergency WASH) training for CHPs during times of emergency. The presenter will speak about why emergency situations are different than other contexts and how this context presents difficulties in terms of delivering effective WASH solutions. The presentation will cover three recent natural disasters that struck Haiti (Earthquake 2010, Hurricane Mathew, Hurricane Irma) and how Pure Water for the World responded. The presentation will emphasize the impact that education can have after or before a disaster and how this differs from a direct on the ground response. The presentation will also cover why we chose to develop this training and what our goals were for the new workshop and how it is evolving. This presentation will mainly focus on our recent response to Hurricane Irma where we were able to deliver the workshop two times the week following the hurricane once in Port au Prince and then after in Cap Haitien where flooding and heavy rains were most prevalent. Facilitator: Andrew Scott Coco has been traveling to Haiti since 2011, where his mother was a medical volunteer after the 2010 earthquake. She eventually began working for Pure Water for the World shortly thereafter, while Andrew was studying Environmental Studies at the University of Vermont with a degree focus on Sustainability studies. Andrew has subsequently volunteered with Pure Water for the World during his school breaks and summer vacation since 2012. Over time, Scott found that all his course work and school focus were about Haiti: all the classes, papers, and degree track tied back into his ongoing experience in Haiti. He secured an internship with Pure Water for the World working in the Water Quality Testing laboratory in 2013.

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A propos de CAWST

CAWST est une organisation caritative et une société d’ingénierie canadienne. Nous répondons au besoin mondial en eau potable et en assainissement en développant localement les connaissances et les compétences afin que les gens puissent mettre en œuvre des solutions à domicile par eux-mêmes.

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Le développement de ce site web et la création des collections d’outils thématiques d’urgence sur le traitement de l’eau, l’analyse de qualité de l’eau, le changement de comportement et l'assainissement ont été financés par le Bureau pour l’assistance humanitaire de l’USAID (Agence des États-Unis pour le développement international)

Ce projet a été rendu possible grâce au soutien généreux du peuple américain par le biais de l'agence américaine pour le développement international (USAID). CAWST (Centre for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology) est responsable du contenu qui ne reflète pas nécessairement les opinions de USAID ou du Gouvernement des États-Unis.

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