
15 Questions to Ask Yourself When Siting a Latrine

There are many considerations when choosing a location to build a latrine in emergencies, including environmental factors, maintenance and user access. Failure to consider how a latrine will be emptied, and whether it is appropriately located for maintenance vehicles and users may lead to a return to open defecation and risk serious health consequences.

Below are 15 questions you should ask yourself when choosing a location to site a latrine. We have not prioritized the questions, as priorities will be context-specific and the most important goal of this tool is that the following questions are considered early in the decision-making process.

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CAWST est une organisation caritative et une société d'ingénierie canadienne. Nous répondons au besoin mondial en eau potable et en assainissement en développant les connaissances et les compétences à un niveau local, afin que les personnes concernées puissent elles-mêmes mettre en œuvre des solutions à domicile.