
Menstrual Hygiene Management

This collection contains the resources for both trainers and participants on menstrual hygiene management. These materials are designed for organizations introducing menstrual hygiene management.




Menstrual Hygiene Management Technical Brief

This technical brief describes the variety of sanitary products available, WASH as it relates to menstrual hygiene, cultural and religious restrictions related to menstrual hygiene and the impact it has on health and education.


Solid Waste Management Technical Brief

This technical brief describes how to treat waste through recycling, composting and incineration. It discusses hazardous waste, menstrual hygiene waste as well as solid waste attitudes.


Sanitation System - User Interface Technical Brief

Provides an introduction to the parts of a latrine that users interact with daily. Includes an overview of technology options and design considerations for the toilet, slab, superstructure, latrine accessories and handwashing station. Discusses design considerations for making latrines easy to use for various users, including children, the elderly and people with illnesses or disabilities.


CAWST is a Canadian charity and licensed engineering firm. We address the global need for safe drinking water and sanitation by building local knowledge and skills on household solutions people can implement themselves.