
Jul 12, 2024

Learn About Household Water Treatment

Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage (HWTS) is an excellent intervention option to improve access to clean safe drinking water in homes, schools and clinics in your community. Learn the basics in this series of short, online learning modules.

Explore the advantages and limitations of a wide variety of household water treatment options and discover key factors and considerations to implement a successful HWTS program.

Topics covered in this series include:

  • The Multi-Barrier Approach to Safe Drinking Water
  • Introduction to Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage
  • Source Water Protection
  • Safe Water Transportation
  • Sedimentation Methods
  • Filtration Methods
  • Disinfection Methods
  • Safe Storage and Handling
  • Program Implementation Approaches



What is the multi-barrier approach to HWTS?

Learn about preventative and treatment barriers to drinking water contamination, and discover why Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage (HWTS) is an important intervention to improve the quality of drinking water.


Mar 1, 2021

What is Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage (HWTS)?

Learn about how to use household water treatment and safe storage (HWTS) as an option to improve access to clean drinking water. HWTS allows people to treat their water where it is consumed, such as in the home, in schools, or in health centres, which is why it is referred to as a “point-of-use treatment."


Mar 1, 2022

The Multibarrier Approach to Safe Drinking Water

How do you prevent and treat contaminated drinking water? Learn about the multi-barrier approach to ensure that water is safe to drink.


Mar 1, 2022

Source Water Protection

What influences the quality of water sources? How do you identify the best possible water source for your household or the households you serve? Be a WASH detective to find key sources of contamination and how to prevent them.


Mar 1, 2022

Safe Water Transportation

In this interactive module, learn how to ensure water stays safe on its journey from the source to its point of use.


Mar 1, 2022

Sedimentation for Safe Drinking Water

You want to treat your water, but what could be your first step? Learn why sedimentation can be a crucial first treatment step in Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage. Discover different ways to reduce the turbidity of water.


Mar 1, 2022

Filtration for Safe Drinking Water

What do you need to consider when selecting filtration technologies? To start, we’ll explore the needs and preferences of the user, contamination risks in the water source, performance, affordability, and ease of use.


Mar 1, 2022

Disinfection for Safe Drinking Water

Water disinfection techniques are capable of destroying microbes without harming humans. Learn how they can be used as part of an HWTS system.


Mar 2, 2022

Safe Drinking Water Storage and Handling

How do you keep your treated water safe? Learn about how to prevent water from becoming recontaminated during storage and handling.


Jul 12, 2024

Biofilm Infographic: Are you protecting those you serve?

Use this infographic to raise awareness about an invisible threat lurking in drinking water containers called biofilm. This poster explains what biofilm is, the threat it poses, risk factors for its formation and how you can prevent it.


Nov 30, 2021

Selecting a Drinking Water Container for Household Use

Are you providing households with the best drinking water container possible? Use this checklist to evaluate which type of container is best for your situation and learn how to properly clean the most common drinking water containers.


CAWST is a Canadian charity and licensed engineering firm. We address the global need for safe drinking water and sanitation by building local knowledge and skills on household solutions people can implement themselves.

Supported by

Development of this website and creation of collections of emergency themed tools on Water Treatment, Water Quality Testing, Behavior Change and Sanitation funded by Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance - USAID.

This project is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of CAWST (Centre for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology) and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.

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