
3 ago 2018

Total Sanitation (2-Day Nepal) Workshop

The workshop uses participatory methods to cover the Concept and Importance of Total Sanitation, Components of Total Sanitation, Water quality, Points of Use options, importance and safe use of latrine, household Sanitation, Hygiene, Key message on Total Sanitation, and Tips on communicating with groups.

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Asia Meridional


3 ago 2018

Total Sanitation (2-Day) Nepal Trainer Manual

This manual is for trainers who are interested in delivering 2-day training on Total Sanitation in the context of Nepal. It includes lesson plans, agendas, and guidance on training delivery.


3 ago 2018

Day 1 Closing - Lesson Plan (TS2 Nepal)

This lesson plan contains a review for day one of the workshop. The review activities allow participants an opportunity to practice what they learned during the day.


3 ago 2018

Hygiene - Lesson Plan (TS2 Nepal)

In this lesson plan participant will be familiar with the critical times of hand washing, importance and characteristics of hand washing station. They will be aware on importance of personal, menstrual and food hygiene.


3 ago 2018

Workshop Closing - Lesson Plan (TS2 Nepal)

In the workshop closing, participants review what they learned and evaluate the workshop. The final closing is an opportunity to consolidate participants’ learning, gather feedback, and celebrate successes.


3 ago 2018

Importance and Safe Use of Latrines - Lesson Plan (TS2 Nepal)

In this lesson plan participant will identify the medium of communicable disease transmission, identify different types of latrine and its necessity for safe disposal of feces.


3 ago 2018

Workshop Introduction - Lesson Plan (TS2 Nepal)

The focus of the introduction is to create a safe learning environment and provide an overview of the coming two days. During the introduction participants meet each other, discuss how they will work together during the workshop, develop a list of expectations, and learn about the agenda.


3 ago 2018

Components of Total Sanitation - Lesson Plan (TS2 Nepal)

In this lesson plan, participants find the main components of total sanitation and the sub-components that are under the main components of the total sanitation.


3 ago 2018

Point of Use Options - Lesson Plan (TS2 Nepal)

In this lesson plan, participant will get the information on different types of water purification options.


3 ago 2018

Household Sanitation - Lesson Plan (TS2 Nepal)

In this lesson plan participant will get the information on importance of household sanitation.


3 ago 2018

Key Messages on Total Sanitation - Lesson Plan (TS2 Nepal)

In this lesson plan, participant will get the key message on water, sanitation, hygiene, safe and hygienic food, kitchen management.


3 ago 2018

Point of Use Options - Lesson Plan (TS2 Nepal)

In this lesson plan, participant will get the information on different types of water purification options.


3 ago 2018

Tips on Communicating with Groups - Lesson Plan (TS2 Nepal)

In this lesson plan, participant will acquire the tips to communicate in the group.


3 ago 2018

Concept and Importance of Total Sanitation - Lesson Plan (TS2 Nepal)

In this lesson plan, participants will get a vision on Total Sanitation and its importance. It also focuses on the roles and responsibilities of individuals (PNGOs, field mobilizer).


3 ago 2018

Water Quality - Lesson Plan (TS2 Nepal)

This lesson describes about safe water and clean water. It highlight on drinking water protection from the point of origin to the end.

Acerca de CAWST

CAWST es una organización benéfica y una firma autorizada de ingeniería de Canadá. Abordamos la necesidad mundial de agua potable y saneamiento mediante el desarrollo de habilidades y conocimientos en lo que respecta a soluciones domésticas que las personas pueden implementar por su cuenta.

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El desarrollo de este sitio web y la creación de las colecciones de herramientas temáticas de emergencia sobre tratamiento de agua, análisis de la calidad del agua, cambio de hábitos y saneamiento han sido financiados por la Oficina de Asistencia Humanitaria de USAID (Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional)

La elaboración de este proyecto fue posible gracias al generoso apoyo del pueblo estadounidense, brindado a través de la Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID). El contenido es responsabilidad de CAWST (Centre for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology) y no necesariamente refleja los puntos de vista de la USAID o del gobierno de los Estados Unidos.

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