16 ene 2023
Esta caja de herramientas contiene todo el material necesario para facilitar un taller con procesadores de alimentos de las cocinas escolares. El objetivo de la sesión es motivar a los participantes para que mejoren los hábitos de limpieza en la cocina.
17 dic 2020
This collection contains the resources for both trainers and participants for the Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage Program Design workshop. The intended participants are people responsible for making decisions about HWTS program design and implementation.
1 ene 2020
Discover how other people run their HWTS projects, what works and what they would change if they could by checking out the following case studies and resources.
3 ago 2018
This collection is for trainers who are interested in delivering training on Emergency WASH for volunteers in the context of Nepal. It was developed following the 2015 earthquake in Nepal. It includes lesson plans, agendas, and guidance on training delivery.
1 ago 2018
This collection is intended to support people who facilitate WASH in School. It is based on the practical experience of the Environment and Public Health Organization (ENPHO) and the Centre for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology (CAWST). It has been developed specifically for the context of Nepal.
11 jul 2018
This collection contains the resources for both trainers and participants for the Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage workshop. This two to three day workshop provides an introduction to drinking water quality, the Multi-Barrier Approach to safe drinking water, household water treatment and safe storage (HWTS) options, behaviour change, and implementation best practices. The intended participants are people responsible for making decisions about HWTS selection and implementation.
31 jul 2015
Esta recopilación contiene recursos para capacitadores y participantes sobre la gestión de higiene menstrual. Estos materiales están diseñados para organizaciones que introduzcan el tema de la gestión de la higiene menstrual.
16 ene 2023
Descarga este plan de lección y los materiales para facilitar una sesión de 3 horas con procesadores de alimentos de las cocinas escolares.
5 oct 2022
En este módulo aprenderás a utilizar el plan de lección y los materiales para facilitar una sesión de 3 horas con procesadores de alimentos de las cocinas escolares.
30 nov 2021
Imprimir esta cronograma de tareas para organizar y monitorear la limpieza an las cocinas escolares.
30 nov 2021
Una de las tres pegatinas que se imprimen y se utilizan como recordatorios y avisos en las cocinas escolares. Esta pegatina está diseñada para ser colocada en lugares críticos de la cocina escolar, recordando al personal que debe lavarse las manos, "su salud está en mis manos".
30 nov 2021
Una de las tres pegatinas que se imprimen y se utilizan como recordatorios y avisos en las cocinas escolares. Este pegatina se debe pegar en una botella de spray. Contiene la receta de una solución limpiadora con cloro.
30 nov 2021
Una de las tres pegatinas que se imprimen y se utilizan como recordatorios y avisos en las cocinas escolares. Esta pegatina debe colocarse en los kits de limpieza y enumera los elementos que debe contener.
30 nov 2021
Use this poster to promote good hygiene practices in school kitchens.
1 ago 2018
This is the final evaluation template for participants to provide feedback, and for trainers to assess participants' knowledge/ability after a WASH in Schools Nepal workshop.
1 ago 2018
This lesson plan focuses on the route of transmission of pathogen from feces to mouth including the possible blockage of the routes.
1 ago 2018
The focus of this lesson is to allow the participant to understand WASH acronym and WASH in School. Participants will learn importance of WASH in school. Participants will identify standards of WASH facilities in school.
1 ago 2018
The focus of the introduction is to create a safe learning environment and provide an overview of the coming days. During the introduction participants meet each other, discuss how they will work together during the workshop, develop a list of expectations, and learn about the agenda.
1 ago 2018
This manual is for trainers who are interested in delivering training on WASH in Schools in the context of Nepal. It includes lesson plans, agendas, forms, and guidance on training delivery.
1 ago 2018
In the workshop closing, participants review what they learned and evaluate the workshop. The final closing is an opportunity to consolidate participants’ learning, gather feedback, and celebrate successes.
1 ago 2018
The focus of this lesson is on identifying the responsible stakeholders to make WASH sustainable in school. Also, the lesson targets on the roles of all the stakeholders that is responsible to make WASH sustainable in school and importance of getting involved in WASH of all stakeholders.
1 ago 2018
The focus of this lesson is to differentiate between clean water and safe water. Also, this lesson focuses on the point of use that is effective at school level including the demonstration of use of chlorine.
1 ago 2018
This form is meant to be used with the WASH in School Lesson Plan of the WASH in Schools Nepal workshop.
1 ago 2018
The lesson discusses on the minimum WASH requirement in school at the time of emergency along with listing the materials required for the stock piling in school for the reference during emergency period.
1 ago 2018
This lesson plan contains a morning review from day one of the workshop. The review activities allow participants an opportunity to practice what they learned the day before.
1 ago 2018
The focus of this lesson is to discuss on the critical times of hand washing along with the importance of hand washing. Also the lesson plan focuses on discussion on sanitation multiple table for maintaining personal hygiene. While discussing on personal hygiene, menstrual hygiene management in school is also emphasized.
1 ago 2018
The lesson focuses on the meaning of waste and types of waste that is generally found in school premises. The lesson plan also discuss on various techniques and practices to manage such waste generated in school.
21 jun 2017
Este estudio de caso describe la implementación de SODIS realizada por Water School Uganda (WSU) en Uganda.
30 nov 2014
En este resumen técnico, se describen las consideraciones y las recomendaciones para implementar instalaciones de saneamiento en escuelas.
30 ago 2014
Este resumen técnico describe la variedad de productos sanitarios disponibles, WASH en lo relacionado con la higiene menstrual, restricciones culturales y religiosas relacionadas con la higiene menstrual y el impacto que tiene en la salud y la educación.
CAWST es una organización benéfica y una firma autorizada de ingeniería de Canadá. Abordamos la necesidad mundial de agua potable y saneamiento mediante el desarrollo de habilidades y conocimientos en lo que respecta a soluciones domésticas que las personas pueden implementar por su cuenta.
El desarrollo de este sitio web y la creación de las colecciones de herramientas temáticas de emergencia sobre tratamiento de agua, análisis de la calidad del agua, cambio de hábitos y saneamiento han sido financiados por la Oficina de Asistencia Humanitaria de USAID (Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional)
La elaboración de este proyecto fue posible gracias al generoso apoyo del pueblo estadounidense, brindado a través de la Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID). El contenido es responsabilidad de CAWST (Centre for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology) y no necesariamente refleja los puntos de vista de la USAID o del gobierno de los Estados Unidos.