
Nov 1, 2021

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Poster Set

This poster set includes water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) posters to teach about good WASH practices, including household water treatment technologies.


EnglishFrenchHaitian CreoleKhmerSpanishSwahili


AfricaCaribbeanLatin AmericaSouth AsiaSouth East AsiaSouth West Asia


Oct 29, 2021

Treat Your Water

Contaminated water can be treated to make it safe (sedimentation, filtration, disinfection).


Sep 1, 2012

Sediment Your Water Use Chemicals

Different chemicals can be used to help remove sediment from your water.


Feb 1, 2011

Water Cycle and Sources

Water is in continuous movement on, above, and below the surface of the Earth. Drinking water comes from three main sources (rainwater, groundwater, surface water).


Oct 29, 2021

Contaminated Water Contains Microbes that Make Us Sick

Contaminated water can make us sick (diarrhea, vomiting, hospitalization, death).


Nov 1, 2015

Protect Your Water

There are ways to protect water from contamination (watershed and water source protection, protected well, proper rainwater storage, good wastewater disposal).


Sep 1, 2012

How We Use Water

Good water is important for many uses in our life (drinking, cooking, washing dishes, growing plants/crops, laundry, bathing).


Sep 1, 2012

Filter Your Water Ceramic Pot Filter

The ceramic pot filter can provide good quality water.


Sep 1, 2012

Sediment and Disinfect Your Water

Some products treat your water by sedimenting and disinfecting your water at the same time.


Sep 1, 2012

Protect Your Well

Keep your well safe by placing your latrine downhill and far away from your well.


Nov 1, 2015

Protect Your Treated Water

Using a safe storage container and cleaning it regularly will protect your treated water.


Nov 1, 2015

Use Good Hygiene Poster

There are things we can do to protect ourselves from the microbes (handwashing, waste disposal, washing, cleaning, covering food)


Sep 1, 2012

Ceramic Candle Filter Maintenance

Maintain your ceramic candle filter to ensure good quality water.


Feb 1, 2011

Sediment Your Water Use Seeds

Different seeds can be used to help remove sediment from your water.


Nov 1, 2015

Wash Your Hands Poster

Washing our hands well and often will prevent illness (after defecation, before eating, after cleaning a baby).


Sep 1, 2012

Filter Your Water Cloth Filter

Use a cloth filter to provide better quality water.


Sep 1, 2012

Sediment Your Water Let it Settle

Natural settling can be used to help remove sediment from your water.


Feb 1, 2011

Sediment Your Water Prickly Pear Cactus

Prickly pear cactus can be used to help remove sediment from your water.


Nov 1, 2015

Ceramic Pot Filter Maintenance

Maintain your ceramic pot filter to ensure good quality water.


Nov 1, 2015

Look After Your Latrine Poster

Use and maintain your latrine to prevent illness.


Nov 1, 2015

Properly Dispose Your Waste

Bury your garbage and dispose of wastewater properly.


Nov 1, 2021

How Water is Contaminated Poster

Water can be contaminated in many ways (humans, animals).


Sep 1, 2012

Get Good Water

You can have good water if you from protect the water source, treat your water and store your treated water safely.


Oct 29, 2021

Use a Latrine and Fences

Use a latrine and fences to stop the transmission of microbes from faeces.


Nov 1, 2015

Water, Hygiene and Sanitation Presentation Cover

Water, Hygiene and Sanitation Presentation Cover


Sep 1, 2012

Store Your Treated Water Safely

Treated water should be stored properly to keep it safe (good and bad storage containers).


Nov 1, 2015

Disinfect Your Water Chlorine

Using chlorine is a good way to disinfect your water.


Oct 29, 2021

Use Good Sanitation

Good sanitation habits prevent transmission of microbes (latrines, soak pits, fences, waste disposal).


Sep 1, 2012

Microbes Come from Poop

Microbes are transferred from faeces to our mouths in many ways (hands, flies, water, fields, food).


Nov 1, 2015

Biosand Filter Maintenance

Good maintenance practices of the biosand filter will ensure good quality water.


Nov 1, 2015

Disinfect Your Water Boiling

Boiling is a good way to disinfect your water.


Sep 1, 2012

Stop Microbes Protect Yourselves

There are three main ways to stop the transfer of faeces to our mouths: basic sanitation, safe water and proper hygiene.


Nov 1, 2015

Filter Your Water Biosand Filter

The biosand filter can provide good quality water.


Sep 1, 2012

Filter Your Water Ceramic Candle Filter

The ceramic candle filter can provide good quality water.


Nov 1, 2015

Disinfect Your Water SODIS

Solar disinfection (SODIS) is a good way to disinfect your water.


CAWST is a Canadian charity and licensed engineering firm. We address the global need for safe drinking water and sanitation by building local knowledge and skills on household solutions people can implement themselves.

Supported by

Development of this website and creation of collections of emergency themed tools on Water Treatment, Water Quality Testing, Behavior Change and Sanitation funded by Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance - USAID.

This project is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of CAWST (Centre for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology) and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.

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