
Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage Case Studies

You aren't the first person to implement a HWTS project, which is good news for you! It means there are so many people and projects to learn from.

Discover how other people run their HWTS projects, what works and what they would change if they could by checking out the following case studies and resources.




Biosand Filter Case Study, Viota, Cundinamarca Colombia

Learn more about this Biosand Filter Project in Colombia.


Biosand Filter Case Study, Jerjet, La Guajira, Colombia

Learn more about this Biosand Filter Project in Colombia.


Biosand Filter Case Studies

This document contains all of CAWST's case studies on biosand filter project implementation, in various countries, by various implementers.


Biosand Filter Implementation by Aqua Clara in Kenya

This case study describes Aqua Clara International's implementation of Biosand Filters in Kenya.


HWTS Implementer Insights, HWTS learning exchange, Colombia

This video from an HWTS learning exchange in Colombia, 2019, provides a lot of inspiration and insights from participants as they share their experiences implementing HWTS programs.


Biosand Filter Implementation by Clear Cambodia in Cambodia

This case study describes Clear Cambodia's implementation of Biosand Filters in Cambodia.


Membrane and Biosand Filter Implementation by Aqua Clara Kenya

This case study describes Aqua Clara Kenya's household water treatment initiatives in Kenya.


SODIS Implementation in Uganda by Water School Uganda (WSU)

This case study describes Water School Uganda (WSU)'s implementation of SODIS in Uganda.


Chlorine Solution Implementation by ENPHO and EcoConcern in Nepal

This case study describes ENPHO and EcoConcern's implementation of Piyush chlorine solution in Nepal.


Ceramic Pot Filter Production China: JiaRun

This Ceramic Pot Filter Production Case Study gives a detailed overview of ceramic filter production in the JiaRun factory in China. The case study describes how the producer addressed components of establishing and maintaining filter production, and some challenges they have faced.


Ceramic Pot Filter Production Colombia: ASOPAFIN

This Ceramic Pot Filter Production Case Study gives a detailed overviews of ceramic filter production in the ASOPAFIN factory in Colombia. The case study describes how the producer addressed components of establishing and maintaining filter production, and some challenges they have faced.


Ceramic Pot Filter Implementation in Guatemala by Ecofiltro

This case study describes Ecofiltro's implementation of ceramic pot filters in Guatemala


Chlorine Implementation by PSI in Myanmar

This case study describes PSI's implementation of Chlorine in Myanmar.


Chlorine Implementation by Aman Titra in Indonesia

This case study describes Aman Titra's implementation of Chlorine in Indonesia.


Chlorine Implementation in and Emergency by DSI in Haiti

This case study describes DSI's implementation of chlorine in an emergency setting in Haiti.


Chlorine Implementation by ENPHO in Nepal

This case study describes ENPHO's implementation of Chlorine in Nepal.


Ceramic Filter Implementation by RDI in Cambodia

This case study describes RDI's implementation of Ceramic Filters in Cambodia.


Ceramic Filter Implementation by ThirstAid in Myanmar

This case study describes ThirstAid's implementation of Ceramic Filters in Myanmar.


Biosand Filter Implementation by Tearfund in Afghanistan

This case study describes Tearfund's implementation of Biosand Filters in Afghanistan.


Chlorine Solution Implementation by ENPHO and EcoConcern in Nepal

This case study describes ENPHO and EcoConcern's implementation of Piyush chlorine solution in Nepal.


Ceramic Pot Filter Production Uganda: SPOUTS of Water

This Ceramic Pot Filter Production Case Study gives a detailed overview of ceramic filter production in the SPOUTS of Water factory in Uganda. The case study describes how the producer addressed components of establishing and maintaining filter production, and some challenges they have faced.


SODIS Implementation in Uganda by Water School Uganda (WSU)

This case study describes Water School Uganda (WSU)'s implementation of SODIS in Uganda.


Membrane and Biosand Filter Implementation by Aqua Clara Kenya

This case study describes Aqua Clara Kenya's household water treatment initiatives in Kenya.


Biosand Filter Implementation by Clear Cambodia in Cambodia

This case study describes Clear Cambodia's implementation of Biosand Filters in Cambodia.


Biosand Filter Implementation by Aqua Clara in Kenya

This case study describes Aqua Clara International's implementation of Biosand Filters in Kenya.


Biosand Filter Monitoring by Aqua Clara International in Kenya

This case study describes Aqua Clara International's monitoring program for biosand filters in Kenya.


Regulatory Changes to Enable Household Water Treatment, Colombia

This video outlines regulatory changes made by the Government of Colombia to enable Household Water Treatment as a method to acheive more universal access to safe drinking water.


CAWST is a Canadian charity and licensed engineering firm. We address the global need for safe drinking water and sanitation by building local knowledge and skills on household solutions people can implement themselves.