
Learn About Drinking Water Treatment for Emergency Contexts

A collection of short e-learning tools and job aids to help water technicians treat, disinfect and safely handle drinking water under field conditions.

This project is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of CAWST (Centre for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology) and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.




Check Before you Disinfect: Batch Chlorination Scenario

Turbidity, pH, and temperature can all impact how fast and how well chlorine products can disinfect drinking water. Challenge yourself as you manage a water delivery at a humanitarian camp; select and evaluate the required water parameter tests and learn how these parameters can affect chlorine dosage and contact time.


Check Before you Disinfect: Turbidity, pH, and Temperature in Drinking Water Chlorination

Turbidity, pH, and temperature can all impact how fast and how well chlorine products can disinfect drinking water. Use this guide to determine how these parameters will affect your chlorine dosage and contact time.


Calculate your Chlorine Dose: Modified Horrocks' Test Instructions

This guide provides instructions for conducting the Modified Horrocks Test. This test is used to determine the effective chlorine dose for batch chlorination of drinking water.


Using the Modified Horrocks' Test to Calculate effective Chlorine Dosage

The Modified Horrocks' Test is a method of calculating the correct chlorine dosage for a known quantity of water. Follow along with Peter Thomson, senior director at CAWST as he conducts the Horrcks' test to calculate the correct chlorine dosage for a batch of drinking water.


How to Make a 1% Chlorine Solution

Follow this guide to prepare a 1% chlorine solution that can be used for the Modified Horrock's Test and disinfection of the water supply.


Handle Chlorine Products Safely!

Follow the guidelines in this poster to handle and use chlorine products safely. This poster is ideal for printing and placing in any location where chlorine products are handled and stored.


Store Chlorine Products Safely!

Follow the guidelines in this poster to store and transport chlorine products safely. This poster is ideal for printing and placing in any location where chlorine products are handled and stored.


CAWST is a Canadian charity and licensed engineering firm. We address the global need for safe drinking water and sanitation by building local knowledge and skills on household solutions people can implement themselves.